Here’s another one, and this one was fun! “Astrophysics for People in a Hurry” by Neil Degrasse Tyson was enjoyable to listen to because HE was reading it. I’m glad the Libby app had it on there. While space isn’t my field at all, I’ve always enjoyed learning about it. As a kid I read books about the universe and aliens, and even today I enjoy watching documentaries like “Cosmos”. (I also love sci-fi shows like “Stargate: SG1”.) Although I have a basic understanding, as I did take 2 semesters of Physics as an undergrad, this book was perfectly balanced. It didn’t make me feel like an idiot, and it didn’t make me feel like I knew everything already. Dr. Tyson broke everything down into manageable chunks, and he interjected plenty of humor into the book. I would certainly recommend this one, even if you’re not in a hurry!