Courses Taught

Rappahannock Community College
Course descriptions taken from the Virginia Community College System Master Course Catalog.

HIS 101-102 – History of Western Civilization
Examines the development of western civilization from ancient times to the present.

HIS 111-112 – World History
Surveys Asian, African, Latin American, and European civilizations from the ancient period to the present.

HIS 121-122 – US History
Surveys United States history from its beginning to the present.

HIS 205 – Local History
Studies the history of the local community and/or region.

HIS 281 – History of Virginia
Examines the cultural, political, and economic history of the Commonwealth from its beginning to the present. Part I of II.

PLS 135 – American National Politics
Teaches political institutions and processes of the national government of the United States, focuses on the Congress, presidency, and the courts, and on their inter- relationships. Gives attention to public opinion, suffrage, elections, political parties, interest groups, civil rights, domestic policy, and foreign relations.

PLS 136 – State & Local Politics
Teaches structure, powers and functions of state and local government in the United States.

PLS 199 – Independent Study
For this particular course, I worked with a student who was conducting a major research project relating to refugee migrations in Syria as a result of civil war.

PLS 211-212 – US Government
Teaches structure, operation, and process of national, state, and local governments. Includes in-depth study of the three branches of the government and of public policy.

PLS 241 – International Relations
Teaches geographic, demographic, economic, ideological, and other factors conditioning the policies of countries and discusses conflicts and their adjustment.

EDU 200 – Introduction to the Teaching Profession
Provides an orientation to the teaching profession in Virginia, including historical perspectives, current issues, and future trends in education on the national and state levels. Emphasizes information about teacher licensure examinations, steps to certification, teacher preparation and induction programs, and attention to critical shortage areas in Virginia. Includes supervised field placement (recommended: 40 clock hours) in a K-12 school.

SDV 100 – College Success Skills
Assists students in transition to colleges. Provides overviews of college policies, procedures, curricular offerings. Encourages contacts with other students and staff. Assists students toward college success through information regarding effective study habits, career and academic planning, and other college resources available to students. May include English and Math placement testing. Strongly recommended for beginning students. Required for graduation.

BUSC 3700007 – Leadership Skills through History & Political Science***
Students will learn leadership ideas and skills by reviewing the writings and actions of historical and contemporary leaders.  Students will complete assignments to gauge their knowledge of leadership.  Students will evaluate their own leadership skills and beliefs and discover ways to improve their skills.
***This was a professional development non-credit course I designed and taught to incarcerated students as a part of Rappahannock’s partnership with Haynesville Correctional Center.

University of Phoenix
Course descriptions taken from the University of Phoenix Course Catalog.

HIS/511 – US Constitution
This course is a study of the creation, application, and viability of the United States Constitution. Participants examine the Constitution’s historical and philosophical origins to better understand its original intent, evolution, and current usage, specifically through its interpretation in changing social and political climates. Emphasis is on the Constitution’s influence on education in the United States.

CUR/510 – Teachers as Leaders
In this course, teachers define, clarify, and reflect on their leadership roles. They explore leadership processes that utilize collaboration, coaching, mentoring, and inclusion. Additionally, they examine broad educational issues, as well as school-based issues and determine possibilities for initiating, sustaining, and building upon systemic change.

CUR/515 – Critical Thinking & Innovative Skills
Learners in this course explore the development and application of critical thinking skills for all academic content areas in elementary, middle school, and high school settings. Participants identify the educational needs of students by exploring current instructional theories, models, and strategies; and state, local, and national standards as they relate to developing critical thinking skills in classroom teaching. Prospective educators develop skills in selecting and adapting delivery methods and behavior management plans for diverse individual students and student populations.

CUR/524 – Instructional Design
This course is designed to introduce students to a systematic approach to instructional design as a necessary foundation for developing needs-based curriculum. Current models of instructional design are explored and specific focus is given to learning theories as they apply to the development of instruction. Students apply the systematic process of translating learning needs into teaching solutions through analysis, design, development, implementation, and evaluation of instructional products.

MED/503 – Methods for Teaching Elementary Social Studies
This methods course is designed for elementary educators who instruct children in citizenship education. The course emphasizes the instructional methods and strategies that help students understand key social studies concepts through active learning.

EED/430 – Elementary Methods: Social Studies
This course defines and provides a context for teaching and assessing students in the areas of social science based on scope, sequence, and national and state standards. Instructional approaches for the content area within the framework of an integrated curriculum are explored, including the use of critical thinking skills and study skills. Students develop a variety of data collection tools designed to assess student learning.

Lancaster High School

World History & Geography to 1500

World History & Geography 1500 – Present

World Geography

Virginia & US History

Virginia & US Government

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