Professional Experience

Matt has been actively involved as an educator since August 2005. He began his journey by returning to his alma mater, Lancaster High School, when he accepted a position there the week before school was set to begin. He began his first year teaching US Government and Geography, two subjects he was not at the time credentialed to teach. Despite the challenges, Matt persevered and realized the need to improve his craft. He would ultimately go on to earn an MSEd and an MA while serving the students at Lancaster High.

Currently Matt serves as a Professor of History based on the Warsaw Campus of Rappahannock Community College. Like LHS, the community college has its share of challenges, and Matt is continually reflecting on ways to overcome them to meet the needs of his students.

For more information on Matt’s professional work, select an option from the drop down menu under Professional Experience.

One Response to Professional Experience

  1. Gloria says:

    i’ve been in the mission since 1987, ecexpt for a period of about 5 years when i tried out other neighborhoods. i used to work at the york theater (RIP) in what i now refer to as little portland, back in the days when we had to wind our way through groups of people smoking crack to get in and out of the theater. i now live in the valencia corridor, which i sometimes refer to as little williamsburg. however, i love it. i loved it in 87 and i still love it. my favorite thing about the new mission is the mini parks (i don’t have a car and i don’t give a f**k about parking spaces being lost to these mini parks). my least favorite thing is the tank sized baby strollers on the sidewalks. i propose closing valencia to traffic, putting the bikes in the center and turning what is now the bike lane into a stroller lane so that people can actually walk on the sidewalks.nice to meet you.

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